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Help raise money for Two Rivers Strong by doing what you do every day -- it's as simple as where you shop.  When you spend at the businesses below you can give back to the public charity, helping us rebuild Two Rivers, Alaska.

AmazonSmile is a simple way to support Two Rivers Strong™ every time you shop.

Amazon Smile


A Partner Since:

Fred Myers / Kroger is another way you can easily earn cash for the Two Rivers Strong™ just by shopping! Go to and click "I’m a Customer” to get started. There, you can create a login or sign-up, and link your Kroger Plus Card to your account. Then search for Two Rivers Strong™ or enter NPO code "IS258". Be sure to present your Fred Meyer's Reward Card or type in your alternate I.D. (phone number) at the credit card reader every time you shop.

Fred Meyers Community Rewards


A Partner Since:

The world's first-ever shop funding site. Tell us who you want to support, or create a new cause or campaign of your own. Then, when you shop at thousands of stores, a percentage of what you spend will be donated to them!



Expected Partnership Date:

Giving back has never been so easy.

We are working to establish relationships with these programs.
Hopefully we'll them up and running soon!

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